Contract Deal Poised to End Months-Long Legal Worker Strike

Over 100 unionized workers at Mobilization for Justice could return to work as soon as Wednesday morning, members said. 

Adi Talwar

Tara Joy, Housing Intake Specialist at Mobilization for Justice, leading chants while picketing in February.

Over 100 attorneys, paralegals and support staff with the nonprofit legal services provider Mobilization for Justice (MFJ) are expected to return to work as soon as Wednesday, ending a 13-week strike that secured wins including a $60,000 salary floor for non-lawyers. 

A majority of participating union members, 72 percent, voted Monday to ratify management’s latest offer, the union, Legal Services Staff Association Local 2320, said Tuesday.

MFJ’s board of directors will vote on ratification this evening, Chief Development Officer Eric Alterman told City Limits by email, calling the agreement “not quite official yet.” He did not comment on the deal as a whole. 

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