New York’s Legislature Must Act to Address Utility Outages in NYCHA

“The warranty of habitability is implied in all New York residential leases, which means that all landlords—including NYCHA—are responsible for making sure apartments are livable and safe, and prolonged gas, heat, and electricity outages run counter to that duty.”

New York’s Legislature Must Act to Address Utility Outages in NYCHA

Adi Talwar

A letter about the gas outage in a NYCHA Red Hook West building, where some tenants have been without cooking gas since Jan. 24.

A large cement truck drove through Red Hook West Houses the morning of Jan. 24. Moments later, emergency vehicles descended on the NYCHA development. “One of the construction workers hit something,” Red Hood resident Andrea Mcknight reported. That “something” turned out to be a gas line. To this day, gas service hasn’t been restored.

For the 113 Red Hook West households who depended on that gas line, fresh home cooked meals haven’t been an option since that January morning. Instead, residents trek to the deli, weather the surge in food expenses, and complain to an unresponsive management office. But this is not new. For NYCHA residents across the city, adjusting to utility disruptions has long been par for the course. 

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