A lot of people have already early-voted in the Sept. 3 primary elections in Massachusetts, but if you haven’t, please get out there Tuesday.
More than 60 percent of registered voters statewide are now “unenrolled” — independent. Those 60-plus percent can take a ballot to vote in whichever party’s primaries interests them, so don’t be deterred by not being registered as, say, a Republican
These campaigns haven’t gotten much ink, but Tuesday’s ballot does include some interesting fights, starting with the Republican Senate race to determine who runs against the shameless fake Indian, Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
John Deaton appears to be winning, and he’s the best one to take on the fake Indian.
Granted, he has some odd quirks — at the debate I moderated Friday night in Hyannis, when I asked about national and local Republicans that he admired, he strangely mentioned Sen. James Lankford and ex-Gov. Charlie Baker.
The thing I like most about Deaton, though, is how much he dislikes Warren. You can just tell it from his tone of voice. If anything, he may come on a little too strong sometimes with how much he does detest her.
Deaton’s opponent, Quincy City Councilor Ian Cain, doesn’t seem like a bad guy, despite his old social-media postings with such Democrats as Mayor Michelle Wu. Cain’s parents go to his events, and he always keeps his cool — an underrated quality in politicians.
Cain makes the tactical argument that as a gay, black man, the fake Indian wouldn’t be able to come at him nearly as hard as she would against Deaton. Wokeness, you know.
But Harry Truman used to say, “If you give people a choice between a Republican and a Republican, they’ll vote for the Republican every time.”
Cain v. Warren would be one of those races. The Democrat would beat the Democrat.
In the general, Deaton will have much more money — the crypto crowd’s PACs have already spent millions to torture Warren.
And it would be entertaining to see Deaton go one-on-one with Lieawatha. His hands-off attitude towards Trump, his too-much-information autobiography — they may raise eyes among GOP voters, but not so much in a general election campaign in Massachusetts.
Fire in his belly and money in his pocket — despite the warts, Deaton’s the man. He may not win, but he can take more out of the fake Indian’s hide than anyone else.
Corrupt Norfolk County DA Michael “Meatball” Morrissey is not on the ballot Tuesday, but two of his stooges are in Norfolk County.
The quickest way to make Morrissey disappear is to convince the rest of the Quincy hackerama that his scandalous dereliction of duty in all these cop-related murder cases might someday cost them their own phony-baloney jobs.
Two Norfolk County races far down the Democrat ballot provide an opportunity to vote thumbs-down on a pair of Meatball’s mediocre minions.
In the race for clerk of courts, to support Karen Read and the memory of Sandra Birchmore, vote for Clerk Robert Jubinville. He’s opposed by one of Meatball’s foot soldiers, who’s flunked the bar exam six times. Six times!
In the fight for register of deeds, the Meatball Mafia is targeting incumbent Bill O’Donnell of Norwood. They’ve put up a “landscaper” from Quincy who genuflects whenever he passes Meatball.
In Norfolk County, vote for the hack from Norwood over Meatball’s hack from Quincy. It’s important.
On the Cape, there’s a particularly odious, crooked Democrat freshman running for reelection — Chris “Flim Flam” Flanagan. He was narrowly elected in 2022 after a series of outrageous campaign grifts, including inventing a committee run by a woman who didn’t exist, and then flat-out lying about it to state investigators.
“You fabricated her existence from the start,” the Office of Campaign and Political Finance wrote to Flim Flam Flanagan in May, before fining him and his campaign $15,000.
Of course OCPF waited to announce its findings until just before the May filing deadline for candidates because… Democrats. Republicans on the Cape were caught flat-footed with no candidate to oppose Flim Flam Flanagan.
Now, the GOP has a write-in candidate, Jerry O’Connell, an ex-Marine from Yarmouth Port.
To get on the November ballot against Flim Flam, O’Connell just needs 150 write-in votes Tuesday.
If you take a Republican ballot in Dennis, Yarmouth or Brewster, please write in for state rep: Jerry O’Connell, 24 Jeannes Path, Yarmouth Port MA.
Remember you need to write in both his name and address if you’re casting a GOP ballot in the First Barnstable District.
Or just go to the person holding a green O’Connell sign outside the precinct — they’ll have palm cards you can take inside as you vote.
At some point, these sleazy local pols need to face some consequences for their crimes, and Flim Flam Flanagan seems like a good place to start.
Meanwhile, the state GOP continues to try to recover from the catastrophic four years of insane, inane misrule by Jim “Jones” Lyons and his crackpot Kool Aid Kult.
Much like Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Kult has been routed and decimated. Like Hamas, all the Kult has left are a handful of suicide bombers, total dead-enders just trying to take out, not Democrats, but their fellow Republicans.
In two GOP-controlled legislative districts, the Kult has mounted campaigns against incumbent Republicans — Rep. Paul Frost in the 7th Worcester District and Rep. Susan Williams Gifford of Wareham.
Don’t drink the Kool Aid — vote for Frost or Gifford.
Would you like to know which perennial-loser Kool Aid Kult lunatics are funneling cash to oust Gifford? Among others, Geoff “DoorDash” Diehl, James “My Cousin Vinny” McMahon and Mrs. Jim Jones Lyons — Bernadette Lyons.
Among them or their spouses, those three are on at least 0-for-10 in recent elections. I wonder how their hand-picked stooges would do in a general election, considering the Kult never won a single contested election for an open seat in 2020 or 2022.
How can we miss the Kool Aid Kult when they won’t go away?
One race in Boston, for the open clerkship of the SJC, Suffolk County. (Whatever that means.)
Once again, by their supporters shall ye know a politician. In this case, Boston City Councilor Erin Murphy is NOT — repeat, NOT — endorsed by, among others, Michelle Wu, Ayanna Pressley, Andrea Campbell, Jamie Eldridge and a whole host of other horrors.
What more do you need to know, if you live in Suffolk County? The wokesters hate her, so you ought to vote for Erin Murphy for SJC clerk of courts, Suffolk County.
Pre-order Howie’s new book, “You Understand American?” at howiecarrshow.com.
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